Bryson FutureSkills

Broker Details

Name: Bryson FutureSkills
Address: 39-43 Bedford Street, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT2 7EE
Primary Contact Una McGovern
Telephone: 028 9043 8211
Contract Type(s): Construction Build, ICT, Services, Specific Clauses
Location(s): Antrim, East Belfast, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, West Belfast
Clause(s): Cyber security initiatives, Paid employment for education leavers, Paid employment for long term unemployed, Skills development and educational attainment, Unpaid work placements
Priorities: Looked after children / care leavers, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People with a disability

Bryson FutureSkills (BFS) is a long established provider of employment and training programmes.  BFS is part of the Bryson Charitable Group and has, over the last 30 years, delivered a range of vocational training and employability programmes.

Our Clients/Learners range from young school leavers to adult unemployed to those who are economically inactive many of whom have multiple barriers to employment.


Bryson FutureSkills

39-43 Bedford Street, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT2 7EE